Since discussing closed old thread on Serebii didn't end up very well. I think we could discuss for a change tips and talk about future way of handling new thread. To make this thread a better place and avoid chaos in our own thread.
1. All Forum Rules apply.
2. No bashing. All posts breaking this rule will be edited or deleted and the user might receive a warning.
3. Don't discuss Serebii Staff's behavior. Discuss about ours (users potential behavior). Result of breaking this rule will be the same, as in rule 2.
So let's start.
1. All Forum Rules apply.
2. No bashing. All posts breaking this rule will be edited or deleted and the user might receive a warning.
3. Don't discuss Serebii Staff's behavior. Discuss about ours (users potential behavior). Result of breaking this rule will be the same, as in rule 2.
So let's start.